Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why is that wireless switch the size of a frickin pinhead?

Open letter to those laptop design engineers that keep squeezing the wireless switch into a smaller and smaller footprint on these laptop cases:

For the love of God, stop. You are destroying people's fragile grip on sanity by making it practically impossible to turn on the computer's wireless radio. Not everyone has 20/20, nimble little fingers with nails that come to a needle point, or the patience of a Fransiscan monk. People need to be able to find the bloody switch and turn the thing on, because they're trying to look up their flight information and the taxi to the airport is out front honking, or the baby is puking blue and it's 70 miles to the urgent care clinic, or the file on how to conceal your scent with puma urine is stored somewhere on your Hummer's NAS volume and the cat is already climbing the tree below you and your grip on that shaky branch with your other hand is none too secure, so even if you can find the wireless toggle you're going to have to operate it with your nose, tongue or front tooth.

Please, get a grip and help us out here, you design engineers. Save real estate by making the keyboard smaller or something. Put the wireless switch where we can find it, properly sized for human fingers. Preferably retired people's fingers. Suffering from Parkinson's and ongoing dementia and an overactive bladder. Just think it over please.

Monday, September 21, 2009

If Snark Were Porn...

...this woman's site would have earned enough in subscriptions for her to buy her own island:


I mean, wow. And the comments are gold - better than the freakin' content. It's like Slashdot, only goal-directed.

I hope this 9-11 coverage is indicative, because I didn't have time to look further. But after skimming the site, don't even think of missing these standout art samples:



Monday, September 7, 2009

A Disgusting Lack of Material?

You could say that, but you'd be wrong. Sadly, I've been writing lots but it's not quite ready to post. I did notice I've accumulated a number of comics at work that aren't too unfunny. Perhaps they'll make their way on here eventually.

All right, you can tell I'm holding out, and you're right. I've got one that's not really ready, but let's just see if it can flap its leathery little wings and fly ...

The inconvenient thing is that it'll appear above this entry, but it'll be read before this entry - unless I warn you first. Hm, yeah. I'll do that.

(edit edit type type ponder ponder)

Okay, on second thought, neither of the pieces I was considering posting tonight are postable yet, although for different reasons. I'll try to work at least one of those out sometime in the hopefully-not-unreasonably-distant future.