Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What I'm Thankful For (sorry it took so long)

So I was thinking of calling this one "Study: Domestic Events Leading Cause of Domestic Violence"
or some such, but because it's Thanksgiving and because I so rarely express true gratitude in my blog posts lately, I now offer an enlightening quote from my workplace a couple of months ago.

Since every night at work seems to spawn brand new and otherwise inexplicable levels of appreciation for twisted humor, tonight's Thing I Wish Wasn't Quite So Funny At Work occurred when a co-worker remarked conversationally, "I'm gonna be so glad when the baby comes." 

I'm thinking, yeah, what a happy day, sure.

'Cause when my wife's not pregnant, it'll be legal for me to, like, punch her in the face."

OK, well, certainly the normal course of life can lead to a disturbing combination of wishful thinking and felony assault, but yes, apparently some women are not nearly as in touch with their clear-headed side during pregnancy.

I don't recall feeling the need for domestic violence during my wife's pregnancy, but in this and other matters I may be a minority voice. So here's to you, sweetie, for being so wonderfully non-irrational while you were lugging around twenty five pounds of placenta and an additional life inside you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Q: Why would you want a former Saturday Night Live writer in the U.S. Senate?

A: Gosh, why wouldn't you?*

But since that's an imprecise answer, allow me to elaborate:

* Okay, yeah - I can think of at least one reason now.

Old News (but bad news) for the Paranoid Community

I sure do enjoy it when scientists have the courage to stand up and act like regular people, even (and maybe especially) when they employ humor as they would any other useful theoretical construct.